Realm: Enrollment

From Everyday Enlightenment
Revision as of 13:35, 28 August 2023 by Jacob Robertson (talk | contribs)
Realm: Enrollment

Being within the Realm of Enrollment in the context of Everyday Enlightenment means someone is trying to find out about meditative practices and have achieved some sort of initial Awakening where they will start to observe some of the phenomenon of the mind and existence that bring us suffering and confusion. As they move past the Realm of Enrollment, they will begin to have a basic understanding of what they have observed and experienced and will likely feel a desire to continue the journey.
There are two types of Beginners, those who have never really heard much about meditation and don't really know what it's about, and those who know something about mediative practices, but haven't really started incorporating those practices into their life. Take a look at these Trails and see which one might be the best place to start.

Landmarks Beacons Lenses Realms Trails Guides
Acknowledge Negative Emotions Without Judgment Attention Non-Judgment Enrollment Learn About Attention Stressful Moments
Experiment with Mindfulness and Television Attention Mindfulness Engagement Rooms and Boundaries
Experimenting with Cravings Adaptation Non-Seeking Enrollment Learn About Adaptation Eating
Explore Presence While Walking Attention Presence Engagement Walking
Extended Witnessing Association Witnessing Engagement Doing Chores
Have Experimented with Witnessing Association Witnessing Enrollment Brushing Your Teeth
Impermanence Basic Understanding Adaptation Impermanence Enrollment Learn About Adaptation Eating
Learn About Non-Aversion Adaptation Non-Aversion Enrollment Learn About Adaptation Stressful Moments
Listen to Someone Mindfully Association Interconnectedness Engagement People
Notice Multiple Sensations Attention Mindfulness Enrollment Learn About Attention Eating
Notice Your Wandering Mind Attention Presence Enrollment Brushing Your Teeth
Observe Duality and Connectedness Association Nonduality Enrollment Learn About Association Eating
Observe Emotions From Outside Association Decentering Enrollment Learn About Association Stressful Moments
Observe Impermanent People Association Nonself Enrollment Learn About Association People
Observe Parts of a Whole Adaptation Special Composition Enrollment Eating
Observe Your Judgment and Non-Judgment Attention Non-Judgment Enrollment Doing Chores
Perceiving Parts as a Whole Adaptation Special Composition Engagement Walking
Simple Mindfulness While Walking Attention Mindfulness Enrollment Walking
Try Headlessness While Walking Association The Headless Way Engagement Walking
Try Mindfully Watching Television Attention Mindfulness Engagement Television
Try Out Other-Centeredness Association Other-Centeredness Engagement People
Use Sounds to be Present Attention Presence Enrollment Learn About Attention Sounds