Realm: Enlightenment

The Realms of Everyday Enlightenment are a conceptual way to organize the Landmarks by their complexity and difficulty. Landmarks each have a Realm they are assigned to, which makes it easy to group them and think about how to progress. As you move from one Realm to the next, you will discover a deeper richness to your meditative practices, and will find greater peach and clarity.
Arriving at the Realm of Enlightenment is the theoretical culmination of the journey of Everyday Enlightenment. Throughout history, there have been many people that have described their own journey to Enlightenment, and their own experience of being Enlightened, and often these people will impart their wisdom and teachings to all that will listen. This journey is a personal journey, and anyone pursuing meditative practices and Enlightenment should simply focus on moving forwards through the Realms, making use of the appropriate Trails, Guides and Landmarks to continue to find greater peace in their life and greater clarity of mind.
At this time, there are no Landmarks associated with this Realm. They will be included here once they have been written. Meanwhile, please visit the Trails page to see a list of ways to get started.