Beacon: Association

From Everyday Enlightenment
Beacon: Association
Beacon: Association
CredoUnlearn the Self
The Headless Way


Association, one of the three Beacons of Everyday Enlightenment, invites us to explore the interconnected nature of existence, recognizing that all phenomena are deeply interwoven and interdependent. This aspect of the path is about unlearning our default dualistic perspectives and embracing the wisdom of nonduality.

Central to this practice is the process of Unlearning the Self, which involves deconstructing our habitual perception of the self as a separate, independent entity. By observing the transient nature of thoughts, feelings, and sensations that constitute our sense of self, we begin to understand our identities as dynamic processes, not static entities. This shift in understanding can liberate us from the confines of self-centered concerns and anxieties, promoting a sense of peace and interconnectedness.

In addition, Association encompasses a range of related concepts, including "Nonduality," "Nonself," "Decentering," "Witnessing," and "Interconnectedness." Each of these concepts further elaborates on the understanding of reality as nondual, highlighting different aspects of this profound wisdom.

By incorporating these insights into our daily lives, we can gradually awaken to the truth of nonduality, developing a more harmonious and comprehensive understanding of our existence. The ultimate goal of this practice is to realize the profound interconnectedness of all things, leading us to a state of deep peace, empathy, and understanding.

Credo: Unlearn the Self

Unlearning the Self is a profound exercise within nondualism. Rooted in the teachings of various philosophical and spiritual traditions, it proposes a transformative understanding of the self as not distinct or separate from the rest of existence. This process helps to shatter the illusion of the self as an independent entity, which is a common misconception nurtured by our everyday experiences and societal conditioning.

In practical terms, Unlearning the Self means letting go of the idea that 'you' are a separate, standalone entity. This involves a shift in perspective where you begin to see yourself as a dynamic process intimately interconnected with the world, rather than a fixed being. Observing the thoughts, emotions, and experiences that constitute our notion of self can help us understand their transient and dependent nature.

To apply this to your life, you can engage in mindfulness practices that foster self-observation. These practices help you notice the arising and passing away of thoughts, feelings, and sensations, thereby highlighting the ephemeral and dependent nature of the 'self'. As you continue this exploration, you will likely start to notice how your concept of self changes and evolves based on your interactions and experiences.

The end goal of incorporating Unlearning the Self into your life is liberation from the suffering caused by attachment to a fixed, separate self. Recognizing the 'self' as a fluid, contingent process can lead to greater peace and happiness, as it allows you to let go of self-centered concerns and anxieties. It also fosters a sense of unity and interconnectedness with others and the world, promoting empathy and understanding. Ultimately, Unlearning the Self is a profound journey of self-transcendence that paves the way for the realization of nonduality - the understanding that all of existence is deeply interdependent and unified.

Primary Lenses of Association

Lenses of Association

Lenses, in the context of the Beacons of Everyday Enlightenment represent more specific concepts and practices through which we can understand the rich meaning of each Beacon. There are Primary Lenses, which are the most commonly understood and most robust meditative concepts, and there are Other Lenses which are a collection of other closely related ideas for that Beacon. The Lenses of Association highlight crucial aspects that illuminate our path to unity, providing a nuanced understanding and application of nondual principles.


Lens: Nonduality
LandmarksObserve Duality and Connectedness

Nonduality, or "not-two", refers to a state or experience in which there is no distinction between the subject and object, or the self and the external world. It implies a sense of oneness and a realization that there's no separation between you and everything else. Importantly, this includes thoughts and emotions. Nonduality is an essential part of Association as Unlearning the Self includes unlearning the way we perceive subject and object.


Lens: Nonself
LandmarksObserve Impermanent People

Nonself is a concept that contends there is no unchanging, permanent self or essence in any phenomenon or being. In practical terms, this means understanding that our identity or "self" is constantly changing and is composed of various components such as our body, feelings, perceptions, mental formations, and consciousness. The concept of nonself can be practiced by observing the ever-changing nature of thoughts, feelings, and physical sensations without clinging to any of them as defining your "self". The objective of realizing nonself is to alleviate suffering, as clinging to a concept of a permanent self can lead to dissatisfaction when that self inevitably changes.


Lens: Decentering
LandmarksObserve Emotions From Outside

Decentering refers to a cognitive process in which one views one's thoughts and emotions as temporary events in the mind, rather than as reflections of the self. Essentially, it's about having a detached awareness where you're observing your thoughts and feelings from a distance without becoming entangled in them. This can be practiced by noticing thoughts and feelings as they arise and acknowledging them without judgment. Remember that thoughts and feelings are not facts and they don't define who you are. The end-goal of decentering is to gain a greater sense of calm and control over your emotional responses, leading to increased psychological flexibility and well-being.

Other Lenses

The other lenses of Association are additional ways of exploring and expanding our quest to Unlearn the Self.


Self-reflection is the practice of paying attention to and analyzing one's own thoughts and emotions. This involves being mindful of your mental processes and experiences, and reflecting on their origins and impacts. Self-reflection can be practiced through activities such as meditation, journaling, or simply taking the time each day to reflect on your experiences and feelings. The objective is to better understand yourself, to improve emotional self-regulation, and to make conscious decisions about your life based on your insights.


Lens: Witnessing
LandmarksExtended Witnessing
Have Experimented with Witnessing

Witnessing is a practice where one observes their own mind, thoughts, and emotions from a detached perspective. It's like being a neutral observer or "witness" to your own experiences, without judgment or attachment. This can be practiced in everyday life by consciously paying attention to your thoughts and feelings as they arise, without getting swept up in them. By becoming a "witness" to your own mental processes, you can gain a greater understanding of yourself and your reactions to different situations. The ultimate goal is to develop a greater sense of self-awareness and self-understanding, leading to increased control over your thoughts and emotions.

Mental Objectification

Mental objectification is an understanding that treats mental events like thoughts, feelings, and sensations as objects that can be observed, rather than aspects of one's identity. In practical terms, this means seeing thoughts as temporary occurrences in the mind, not as inherent parts of the self. By routinely practicing mindfulness and meditation, one can begin to 'objectify' thoughts and feelings, creating a mental distance that allows for observation without attachment. The ultimate goal of understanding mental objectification is to reduce the identification with transient mental events, leading to increased mental clarity and emotional well-being.

Pure Experience

Pure experience is the state of direct, unmediated perception and awareness. It's when the division between the experiencer and the experience fades, leaving just the raw, unfiltered experience. By engaging in mindful practices like meditation, one can strive to reach this state of pure experience - observing the world directly, without the filter of concepts or preconceived notions. This understanding moves us beyond the duality of subject-object perception towards a more holistic, integrated understanding of reality. The end goal of cultivating this understanding of pure experience is a state of unadulterated, direct perception that can lead to profound insights and a deep sense of interconnectedness with the world.


Interconnectedness is the understanding of the fundamental links and relationships between all phenomena. It points to the truth that everything is interconnected and interdependent, making the notion of an isolated 'self' a limited perspective. Practically, this means seeing oneself as part of a larger whole, acknowledging how our actions affect others and the world around us. By maintaining a mindful awareness of the effects of our actions and recognizing the interconnected nature of existence, we can foster a more compassionate, considerate way of living. The end goal of understanding interconnectedness is to foster a greater sense of responsibility, compassion, and kinship with all forms of life, contributing to personal growth and a more harmonious society.


Lovingkindness is about nurturing an unconditional love and goodwill towards all beings, including oneself. It calls for a profound sense of friendliness, warmth, and a desire for the wellbeing and happiness of others, irrespective of who they are or how they behave.


Compassion involves feeling deep empathy for those who are suffering and a strong aspiration to alleviate their pain. It's not merely about sympathy, but also entails active involvement in relieving suffering wherever and whenever possible.

Sympathetic Joy

Sympathetic Joy is about sharing in the joy and happiness of others. It's an antidote to feelings of envy or jealousy, allowing one to delight in the good fortune and success of others just as if it were their own. This joy is pure, devoid of any selfish desire or expectation for personal gain.


Lens: Other-Centeredness
LandmarksTry Out Other-Centeredness

Other-Centeredness, the opposite of egocentrism, involves considering the well-being and perspectives of others as equally important as one's own. It emphasizes a compassionate and selfless approach to interacting with the world and recognizing the interconnectedness of all beings. This idea is central to concepts like Loving-Kindness and Compassion.

Shadows of Association

Shadows of Association

The Beacons of Everyday Enlightenment provide powerful guidance through the Realms. The Lenses represent different facets of those Beacons, which provide further focus or illumination of that Beacon. On the other hand, Lenses are also accompanied by two types of Shadows which tend to obscure our journey to Enlightenment. The first kind of Shadows are the Looming Shadows, which are the obvious opposite of a given Lens, and should hopefully be easy to avoid and train against once we understand them. The second kind are the Flickering Shadows, which could be confused with the associated Lenses, because they are quite similar to the Lens, while actually being a harmful or negative counterpart. Both types of Shadows should be understood in the context of the Lens and Beacon, and reviewed periodically to ensure our view is not obscured.

Lenses Looming Shadows Flickering Shadows
All forms and phenomena are interrelated and interconnected
A belief in the inherent separation and independence of entities, denying the inherent interdependence and interconnectedness of all things
A belief that everything is of one essence, ignoring the inherent diversity and individual uniqueness of each existence
