
From Everyday Enlightenment
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is where you'll discover how often we pass judgement on what goes on around us. The example chosen is driving or commuting, but you can choose anything about your typical day that may be frustrating or boring, or mildly unpleasant in some way. Learning about judgement is the first step in learning about Non-Judgement.  +
is about one of the most common [[Mindfulness]] practices. Body Scanning is a perfect way to [[Attention#Credo: Experience the Now|Experience the Now]], allowing you to quickly and easily connect to your body, and practice other meditative concepts such as [[Concentration]] and [[Presence]].  +
informs us about the breath which is an essential part of any meditative practice. For [[Everyday Enlightenment]], The Breath holds a unique place because anyone can use their breath as a Mindful practice to bring attention to The Now. On the other hand, breathing exercises are typically done while in a meditative state, which is not an emphasis of Everyday Enlightenment.  +
showcases one common activity we all do twice a day - brushing your teeth. As such, it is one really great activity to use as a time to work on your practice. And one other special thing about it is that it is typically done in front of a mirror, which opens up some areas to explore. As with all of the practices found in Everyday Enlightenment, you should generalize what you learn, and apply it to other types of meditative practices, and other activities you do frequently. Each of the [[Landmarks]] in this guide focus on a different [[Beacons|Beacon]] or [[Realms|Realm]], but each of them can be practiced while Brushing Your Teeth.  +
is all about the chores that need to get done every day, often throughout each day. Due to the monotonous and even distasteful nature of doing chores, applying meditative practices during those tasks has two benefits. First, many of the practices in the [[Lenses]] are very helpful in making things less unpleasant, through reframing the way we perceive and experience those moments. Second, chores themselves open up special opportunities to practice examining our thoughts and emotions under minor stress.  +
highlights eating and drinking because they are everyday activities that provide rich opportunities for micro-meditative practice. Engaging with food and beverages mindfully allows us to explore [[Mindfulness]] and other themes such as [[Impermanence]], [[Non-Seeking|cravings]] and even [[Nonduality]] - all of which add up to profound aspects of our relationship with the world and ourselves.  +
invites you to experience [[Mindfulness]] in another way to discover that [[Attention#Credo: Experience the Now|Experience the Now]] is more complicated than just recognizing sights and sounds, it also means paying attention to your own mind, and in this case particularly how your own mind is perceiving and reacting to The Now.  +
tests your experiences with cravings and how they affect your thoughts and emotions.  +
shows some perceptions shifts that provide deeper understanding of how to [[Attention#Credo: Experience the Now|Experience the Now]], especially relating to how the present moment is the only moment that ever exists in consciousness.  +
asks whether you are able to experience a form of [[Witnessing]] for longer periods of time.  +
asks whether you are able to experience basic [[Witnessing]] during simple tasks.  +
asks whether you are aware of the impermanence of all things at all times, that they are changing, decaying, and will not last.  +
Include2  +, Include3  +
This trail is designed to take you to a place where you have a basic understanding of the [[Adaptation|Beacon of Adaptation]], including the Lenses of Impermanence, Non-Attachment, Non-Seeking, Non-Aversion and Equanimity, as well as the Credo of Embrace the Change. Once you've completed this trail, it is recommended you read through the content on the [[Adaptation]] page.  +
This trail is designed to take you to a place where you have a basic understanding of the [[Association|Beacon of Association]], including the Lenses of Nonduality, Nonself and Decentering, as well as the Credo of Unlearn the Self. Once you've completed this trail, it is recommended you read through the content on the [[Association]] page.  +
This trail is designed to take you to a place where you have a basic understanding of the [[Attention|Beacon of Attention]], including the Lenses of Mindfulness, Non-Judgement and Presence, as well as the Credo of Experience the Now. Once you've completed this trail, it is recommended you read through the content on the [[Attention]] page.  +
is where you will practice both experiencing and being patient with aversive sensations.  +
is a wonderful practice where you fully devote all your attention to another person. The main points are to give the other person all the time they need to say what they want to say, and to pay attention fully to that person and what they say. This practice is related to [[Mindfulness]] and [[Other-Centeredness]], but the end result is an increase in [[Interconnectedness]].  +
starts out with simple [[Mindfulness|Mindful]] practices of using smell, taste, and touch to [[Attention#Credo: Experience the Now|Experience the Now]].  +