Beacon: Adaptation

From Everyday Enlightenment
Beacon: Adaptation
Beacon: Adaptation
CredoEmbrace the Change
Middle Way
Dependent Origination
Special Composition


Adaptation Overview

Credo: Embrace the Change

Embracing the Change involves accepting and welcoming the impermanent nature of all phenomena. This understanding goes beyond the intellectual acknowledgement of the transitory nature of life, seeking to deeply internalize this concept in all aspects of our existence. Embracing the change doesn't mean being indifferent or unresponsive to life events; instead, it signifies actively acknowledging the ebb and flow of life and willingly adapting to its rhythms.

Practically speaking, this can be done by observing changes in our immediate environment and within ourselves, consciously acknowledging life's transitions, and letting go of the desire for permanence. This process involves welcoming new experiences without resistance, and accepting the departure of old ones without clinging.

The application of this Credo in our daily lives involves acknowledging the impermanence of emotions, thoughts, relationships, and material possessions. It means becoming comfortable with uncertainty and cultivating the ability to adapt to changing circumstances. It requires an understanding that even our sense of self is not a fixed entity, but is constantly evolving and changing.

The ultimate goal of embracing change is to attain a sense of peace and equanimity in the face of life's constant flux. It allows us to better manage life's ups and downs, reducing the suffering caused by resistance to change. By embracing change, we move towards freedom from attachments and aversions, and open ourselves up to a richer, more varied, and dynamic experience of life. This acceptance and flexibility form the foundation for a life lived in harmony with the way things truly are, and is a key aspect of the path to enlightenment.

Primary Lenses of Adaptation

Lenses, in the context of the Beacons of Everyday Enlightenment represent more specific concepts and practices through which we can understand the rich meaning of each Beacon. There are Primary Lenses, which are the most commonly understood and most robust meditative concepts, and there are Other Lenses which are a collection of other closely related ideas for that Beacon.

Lenses of Adaptation

Through the Lenses of Adaptation, we focus on key elements that refine our journey towards enlightenment, bringing clarity and depth to our understanding and practice of adaptive principles.


Impermanence, a fundamental concept deeply woven into the fabric of existence, is the understanding that all phenomena, without exception, are in a constant state of change. This Lens focuses on observing the transitory nature of thoughts, emotions, sensations, and external circumstances. When we fully internalize this concept, we realize that everything we experience — joy, suffering, thoughts, identities — are not static but are dynamic and fleeting. This understanding leads to an acceptance and even an embracing of change, contributing to a sense of calm, resilience, and peace amidst the ebb and flow of life. The reality of impermanence invites us to live fully in the present moment, cherishing it as a unique and unrepeatable snapshot of life.


Non-Attachment is the practice of letting go of our clinging to people, things, thoughts, and feelings. It doesn't mean we stop caring or disconnect ourselves from the world; instead, it's about releasing the need for control or possession. Practically, this means being open to experiences without trying to grasp them or push them away. Incorporating non-attachment into your life means creating space for freedom and peace, reducing suffering caused by our attachments, and facilitating better adaptation to life's changes.


Non-Seeking is about breaking free from the endless pursuit of desires. It's recognizing that constant wanting often leads to a state of dissatisfaction. Instead, the practice of non-seeking encourages us to find contentment in the present moment, without constant longing for something else. The ultimate aim of non-seeking is to foster inner peace and satisfaction, diminishing the turbulence of ceaseless desire and thereby enabling a more harmonious adaptation to life's unfolding.


Non-Aversion, as a concept, invites us to avoid repulsion from negative experiences or sensations. It's about accepting and facing uncomfortable situations, feelings, or thoughts without trying to escape from them. Applying non-aversion in our lives means developing a greater resilience to adversity and discomfort. The end-goal is to cultivate emotional balance and courage, promoting a healthier and more flexible approach to life's challenges.


Equanimity is a state of mental calmness and composure, especially in challenging situations. It's about remaining balanced and undisturbed regardless of the ups and downs of life. Practicing equanimity helps us to respond rather than react impulsively, thus fostering healthier relationships and a more peaceful life. The end goal of developing equanimity is to achieve a balanced mind, offering us the stability needed to adapt effectively to changing circumstances.

Other Lenses

There are other lenses of Adaptation that contribute to our ability to Embrace the Change.


Acceptance means acknowledging reality as it is, without trying to change or deny it. In a practical sense, it implies accepting people, situations, and emotions as they are. By incorporating acceptance into our lives, we are better equipped to handle difficult situations, reduce stress, and enhance our overall well-being. The ultimate goal of acceptance is to foster emotional stability and peace, allowing for smoother adaptation to whatever life throws our way.


Flexibility is the ability to adapt and adjust our thoughts, behaviours, and emotions according to the demands of a situation. It's about being open and willing to change. By cultivating flexibility in our lives, we enhance our capacity to manage change, reduce stress, and overcome obstacles. The ultimate aim of promoting flexibility is to boost resilience, improve problem-solving abilities, and facilitate smoother navigation through life's ups and downs.


Non-Resistance means not fighting against or resisting what's happening in the present moment. It's about letting life flow without trying to control or manipulate outcomes. By practicing non-resistance, we can reduce stress, enhance acceptance of what is, and foster a more peaceful state of mind. The end goal of incorporating non-resistance into our lives is to cultivate a state of peace and calm, which allows for better adaptation to life's ongoing changes.


Resilience is the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties or adapt successfully to change. It's about bouncing back from adversity and maintaining our equilibrium amidst life's challenges. Developing resilience can reduce stress, enhance emotional well-being, and improve overall life satisfaction. The ultimate goal of building resilience is to foster strength and perseverance, enabling us to adapt and thrive in the face of life's uncertainties.

Shadows of Adaptation

Shadows of Adaptation

The Beacons of Everyday Enlightenment provide powerful guidance through the Realms. The Lenses represent different facets of those Beacons, which provide further focus or illumination of that Beacon. On the other hand, Lenses are also accompanied by two types of Shadows which tend to obscure our journey to Enlightenment. The first kind of Shadows are the Looming Shadows, which are the obvious opposite of a given Lens, and should hopefully be easy to avoid and train against once we understand them. The second kind are the Flickering Shadows, which could be confused with the associated Lenses, because they are quite similar to the Lens, while actually being a harmful or negative counterpart. Both types of Shadows should be understood in the context of the Lens and Beacon, and reviewed periodically to ensure our view is not obscured.

Lenses Looming Shadows Flickering Shadows
Let go of your attachments to people, things, thoughts, and feelings.
The overt habit of clinging desperately to people, experiences, material possessions, ideas, etc., mistaking possession for happiness
Apathy or Neglect
When non-attachment deteriorates into neglect of responsibilities or lack of care for oneself and others, confusing detachment with disregard
Find contentment in the present moment, without constant longing for something else.
Obsessive Seeking
Constantly seeking or desiring something else, perpetually dissatisfied, never being content with what is present
When the practice of non-seeking evolves into passivity or lack of initiative in life, leading to stagnation rather than contentment
Accept and face uncomfortable situations, feelings, or thoughts.
The overt habit of rejecting, avoiding, or being repelled by certain experiences, mistaking avoidance for peace
Tolerance of Harm
When the practice of non-aversion leads to tolerating harmful situations or behaviors, misunderstanding acceptance for complacency
Remain balanced and undisturbed regardless of the ups and downs of life.
Extreme Bias or Prejudice
Becoming extremely attached to or repelled by certain individuals or situations, undermining the tranquil balance that equanimity brings
When a balanced and impartial state of mind deteriorates into a detached, indifferent, and disengaged attitude