Realm: Engagement

From Everyday Enlightenment
Revision as of 13:56, 28 August 2023 by Jacob Robertson (talk | contribs)

Most people that are pursuing Meditative practices daily will be in the Realm of Engagement, which simply means they learned enough foundational methods and theory and made a shift to an active and regular practice.

Realm: Engagement

Explore Engagement

Use these tables to find and explore the Landmarks that you think will be the most achievable and rewarding based on the Realm you are exploring.

Landmarks Beacons Lenses
Experiment with Mindfulness and Television Attention Mindfulness
Explore Presence While Walking Attention Presence
Extended Witnessing Association Witnessing
Listen to Someone Mindfully Association Interconnectedness
Perceiving Parts as a Whole Adaptation Special Composition
Try Headlessness While Walking Association The Headless Way
Try Mindfully Watching Television Attention Mindfulness
Try Out Other-Centeredness Association Other-Centeredness