Realm: Enrichment

From Everyday Enlightenment
Revision as of 18:54, 10 September 2023 by Jacob Robertson (talk | contribs)
Realm: Enrichment

The Realms of Everyday Enlightenment are a conceptual way to organize the Landmarks by their complexity and difficulty. Landmarks each have a Realm they are assigned to, which makes it easy to group them and think about how to progress. As you move from one Realm to the next, you will discover a deeper richness to your meditative practices, and will find greater peach and clarity.

The Realm of Enrichment represents a significant level of personal development and commitment to meditative practices and the pursuit of Enlightenment. The majority of extremely advanced practitioners would find themselves within the Realm of Enrichment. Being within this Realm means you have dramatically shifted from a life of suffering and confusion to a life of peace, joy, and mental and emotional clarity.

At this time, there are no Landmarks associated with this Realm. They will be included here once they have been written. Meanwhile, please visit the Trails page to see a list of ways to get started.