Template:Gratitude Overview

From Everyday Enlightenment
Revision as of 15:25, 13 September 2023 by Jacob Robertson (talk | contribs) (Created page with "The practice of Gratitude in the context of the Lens of Adaptation is specifically about amplifying the parts of experience that represent a journey towards Enlightenment. This amplification leads to greater resilience and adaptability. For example, when we are faced with challenges, we are already primed with the knowledge that we are capable of overcoming challenges and experiencing that satisfaction. We are also aware that life will always be cha...")
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The practice of Gratitude in the context of the Lens of Adaptation is specifically about amplifying the parts of experience that represent a journey towards Enlightenment. This amplification leads to greater resilience and adaptability. For example, when we are faced with challenges, we are already primed with the knowledge that we are capable of overcoming challenges and experiencing that satisfaction. We are also aware that life will always be changing and that we can find peace and clarity under many different circumstances. These insights are especially relevant in our practice of Non-Seeking and Impermanence.