Trail: Learn About Adaptation

From Everyday Enlightenment
Revision as of 16:21, 20 July 2023 by imported>Jacob Robertson


Trail: Learn About Adaptation
Trail: Learn About Adaptation
LandmarksImpermanence Basic Understanding
Experimenting with Cravings
Learn About Non-Aversion

What are Trails?

A Trail in the context of Everyday Enlightenment is a curated journey of self-discovery and personal growth. It is a structured way of traveling through concepts and practices and is designed to guide you towards mindfulness and deeper understanding. Using a Trail helps you systematically navigate and explore the vast landscape of meditative insights, providing you with achievable goals and practical techniques to integrate these insights into your everyday life.

What is Adaptation?

Adaptation Overview

Where will this Trail take you?

This trail is designed to take you to a place where you have a basic understanding of the Beacon of Adaptation, including the Lenses of Impermanence, Non-Attachment, Non-Seeking, Non-Aversion and Equanimity, as well as the Credo of Embrace the Change. Once you've completed this trail, it is recommended you read through the content on the Adaptation page.

Step 1 - Learn About Impermanence

During this step, you will get a chance to see the difference between seeing something as solid, steady, permanent as opposed to transient, ephemeral, impermanent. This is the first step in becoming a Learner in the Beacon of Adaptation.


  • Focusing on the Present: As you practice, discover how you can choose to focus solely on what is in front of you, instead of being carried away by thoughts.
  • Awakening from Daydreams: Observe how ambient sounds can serve as anchors, pulling you out of your daydreams and bringing you back to reality.

Skill: Use Sounds to be Present

The Impermanent Water


  • Focusing on the Present: Can you consciously direct your focus on the present moment, particularly when your mind starts to wander?
  • Awakening from Daydreams: Can you use ambient sounds as triggers to return from daydreams or distractions back to reality?

Step 2 - Learn About Non-Attachment

During this step, you'll discover how often we pass judgement on what goes on around us. The example chosen is driving or commuting, but you can choose anything about your typical day that may be frustrating or boring, or mildly unpleasant in some way. Learning about judgement is the first step in learning about Non-Judgement.


  • Emotion Observation: You'll become more aware of your emotions as entities separate from your core being, observing them come and go.

Skill: Observe Emotions Without Judgement

Observe Emotions Without Judgement



Step 3 - Learn About Non-Seeking




Skill: TODO

Learn About Mindfulness




Congratulations, if you've completed these three Skills, and reviewed the Checkpoints, you are one Trail further along in your practice. Now that you have a basic idea of the concept, it's recommended you read through the article about the Beacon of Adaptation, and see if it starts to click with you. Then, look for other Trails and Skills that are in the Learning Milestone that can assist you further.


To learn more about these concepts, see the following articles.

  • TODO