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This trail is designed to take you to a place where you have a basic understanding of the [[Adaptation|Beacon of Adaptation]], including the Lenses of Impermanence, Non-Attachment, Non-Seeking, Non-Aversion and Equanimity, as well as the Credo of Embrace the Change.  Once you've completed this trail, it is recommended you read through the content on the [[Adaptation]] page.
This trail is designed to take you to a place where you have a basic understanding of the [[Adaptation|Beacon of Adaptation]], including the Lenses of Impermanence, Non-Attachment, Non-Seeking, Non-Aversion and Equanimity, as well as the Credo of Embrace the Change.  Once you've completed this trail, it is recommended you read through the content on the [[Adaptation]] page.

== Landmark 1 - Impermanence Basic Understanding ==
{{:Impermanence Basic Understanding|Type=Trail}}
At this [[Landmarks|Landmark]], you will get a chance to see the difference between seeing something as solid, steady, permanent as opposed to transient, ephemeral, impermanent.  This is the first step in becoming a Learner in the Beacon of Adaptation.
{{:Experimenting with Cravings|Type=trail}}
{{:Impermanence Basic Understanding|Info=no|Description=yes|Checkpoint=no}}
{{:Learn About Non-Aversionh|Type=trail}}
{{:The Impermanent Water|Header=trail}}
{{:Impermanence Basic Understanding|Info=no|Description=no|Checkpoint=Trail}}
== Waypoint 2 - Learn About Non-Seeking ==
At this Waypoint, you'll experiment with cravings and how they affect your thoughts and emotions.  Recognizing Craving is one aspect of preparing to understand Non-Seeking.
=== Lookouts ===
* ''Discovering Craving:'' Get ready to study your craving and understand what it's like and what it's made of.
* ''Being Pulled vs Thinking:'' Try to notice the difference between your craving (being pulled) and the mental thoughts that run through your head ("That chocolate looks so good").
{{:Experimenting with Cravings|Header=trail}}
=== Checkpoints ===
* ''Discovering Craving:'' Did you get a chance to really notice that there is a true craving to experience?
* ''Being Pulled vs Thinking:'' Were you able to distinguish between the Pulling and the Thoughts?
== Waypoint 3 - Learn About Non-Aversion ==
At this waypoint, you will practice both experiencing and being patient with aversive sensations.
=== Lookouts ===
* ''Feeling the Aversion:'' It's important to take time and really observe what Aversion feels like.
* ''Being Patient:'' It doesn't matter how long you're patient for, what's important is practicing, and noticing what it feels like to be patient.
{{:Let It Itch|Header=trail}}
=== Checkpoints ===
* ''Feeling the Aversion:'' Did you get a chance to observe what it's like to really want something to be over, and how your mental state changes the longer you sit with that?
* ''Being Patient:'' Were you able to feel the mental state of being patient, and resting with an aversive sensation?

== Destination ==
== Destination ==